Vulnerability as a Doorway to Relationships & Living Fully: | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Vulnerability is exposing ourselves to the possibility of being hurt. Vulnerability, according to Chip Dodd, is the doorway to living fully in relationships. He used as an example a child who naturally expresses each of their emotions acknowledging when they feel happy, sad, scared, and other emotions. Chip also bought out the point that we […]
6 Things You Can Do Now to Fulfill the Need for Intimacy & Vulnerability | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Single believers aren’t alone in the quest for genuine relationships where we can be vulnerable. Our generation at large is feeling the longing for connectivity. Believers, I believe feel the tug more often because we are so peculiar. It takes a bit more for us to connect intimately due to our Biblical value system. The […]
Our Generation’s Fight for Intimacy & Vulnerability | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Last week, I talked about whether social media bought us closer or pushed us apart. During, the article the need for intimacy and appropriate vulnerability was highlighted. On Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs intimacy, friendship and belonging come in at #3. Our generation, I believe has had a unique experience concerning this need. We are the […]