Aaron Dews Returns With His New EP ‘Dick Grayson’ | @aaronddews @trackstarz

Aaron Dews Returns With His New EP ‘Dick Grayson’ | @aaronddews @trackstarz

Aaron Dews returns as his alter ego, Dick Grayson, with a fun and bouncy EP, “Dick Grayson”. This is the unofficial soundscape for the DC character and his new found identity and independence. This project features the innovative production of AMKG, Okhiphop, and Aaron Dews, himself. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5FRZCyTvKiPcfqiIotX5m9 Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dick-grayson-ep/1434244080 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Aaron_Dews_Dick_Grayson?id=Bpb54zo5wub6mvkf75ewk3np2be

The Wave #TBT | Throwback Theology | #RighteousRiders @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

The Wave #TBT | Throwback Theology | #RighteousRiders @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

“By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. […]

Elohin Shares His “Boom Bap Soul” In His New Mixtape | @elohin07 @trackstarz

Elohin Shares His “Boom Bap Soul” In His New Mixtape | @elohin07 @trackstarz

As with all of Elohin’s inspirational projects “Boom Bap Soul” the mixtape screams revolution, going against the grain of indoctrination, provoking free thought and consciousness as real hip-hop should. In the time we live in, story telling with faith, morals and values are pushed under the rug while egotistical self promotion is praised. Elohin challenges this […]

Srrvant & Parris Chariz Team Up For A “Victory Dance” | @srrvant @trackstarz

Srrvant & Parris Chariz Team Up For A “Victory Dance” | @srrvant @trackstarz

Srrvant and Parris Chariz have teamed up for the first time to bring the AllRounda Produced “Victory Dance”. The lyrics are full of energy and joy as the two praise God with catchy flows for the assurance of salvation found in an eternal hope. You may stream Victory Dance here: https://open.spotify.com/track/0HMnppvyethIEOisE6apGE?si=8YirlTgWS82uV9ijfwar7g Follow Srrvant on Spotify: […]

Atlanta Producer Fuses The Power Of Gospel And EDM | @iamjbrab @trackstarz

Atlanta Producer  Fuses The Power Of Gospel And EDM | @iamjbrab @trackstarz

ATLANTA PRODUCER FUSES THE POWER OF GOSPEL AND EDM INSPIRATION music meets EDM with the release of Atlanta producer, JBrab’s new single, “Don’t Give Up” Feat. Genensia; the first track the pair has released together. The song showcases Genensia’s unique, soulful vocals and JBrab’s ability to create a perfect song, demonstrating a great collaboration between […]

Deraj “Everything” Music Video | @justderaj @rmgtweets @trackstarz

Deraj’s “Everything” is the first installment to a 5 part video series entitled “Saturday”. The song encourages listeners to find contentment and an appreciation for life in a fast-paced society. It reminds us, if we have our needs met, we truly have everything even when it may not feel like it. Peep the video below […]