Eric Boston | Side Hustles and Balancing Life | @ericboston3 @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Eric Boston has a full-time job, is a graduate student, and still manages to balance family life and side hustles. He has been serving with Trackstarz, Nectar Distribution, and with that started up the FiveTwenty Collective. He shares the heart behind that start up and how he manages to do all that he does. You […]
The Important Launch | Business With Bordeaux Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

As many of you may know, I have started an Anchor channel this week. This is another platform for doing audio content like podcasts, interviews, etc. When I started playing around with this app, I let a friend know about it who I thought would get some great use out of it. This individual has […]
The Business With Bordeaux Journey Pt. 2 | Podcast | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

In this weeks show I share my top moments from the last 9 interviews. I have had some great guests on the show the past 3 months and I have personally learned so much and hope you do as well.
The Blessing Of A Part Time Business | Business With Bordeaux Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

I’ve been seeing a lot of people talking about running their businesses full-time and making a living off of it. I think both angles have their merits. I wanted to talk about both of them briefly in this weeks blog. When people get started in a business, it usually starts as a side hustle. This […]
The Facade Of Fake Followers | Business With Bordeaux | Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Social media is a huge driving force for many businesses today. Especially any online business. It is the cheapest form of marketing that currently exist. One of the most common metrics in social media is the amount of followers that a person or business has. The problem with this metric is that it doesn’t really […]
Doing The Research | Business With Bordeaux | Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

There are certain steps that individuals must take before starting a business. Often some steps are focused on more than others. There is one part of business that many people do not pay attention to when getting started. That is because this area is not the most fun. It requires looking at data, numbers, and […]
Steadman Robinson | Rep Da King Mag | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @jasonbordeaux1 @repdakingmag @trackstarz

This week I interviewed Steadman Robinson, owner of Rep Da King Magazine. We talk about his transition into running the magazine with no previous experience in that particular industry. This was a big transition from working in the mainstream radio sphere and now working in Christian Hip Hop. We also talk about the new edition […]
How Big Should Your Company Be? | Business With Bordeaux | Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

When you look around at different businesses, you will see the different sizes that exist. Some people look at businesses like Hobby Lobby, Chick-Fil-A, and other major national chains and feel like that should be the goal. The truth is that not everyone is meant to have a huge business. Sometimes businesses are best to […]
The Erinn Effect | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @erinntsc @trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1

This week I have my first interview with a female entrepreneur on the show, Erinn Knight. Erinn has experience in promoting shows and managing bands/artists. She shares her journey from starting her first business at 8 years old to her current day business, The Erinn Effect. Take a few minutes to share this impactful journey […]
The Business With Bordeaux Journey Pt.1 | Podcast | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

This week I am solo on the show and I share the beginnings of my personal journey with Business With Bordeaux. From the initial concept to doing interviews and gaining my first Patrons for the show. I hope these couple important lessons I learned along the way help you. This week I am solo on […]