The Rise Of Skywalker Movie Review | One Shot | @solomonsporchp1 @solomonsporchpodcast @trackstarz

The end of the Skywalker saga has arrived. Jason, Shawn, and Isabel break down some of their favorites fixes from ‘The Last Jedi’ and share some of the things that did not work in the film. Let us know your thoughts when you see the film. Visit the website for more content. Visit us […]
Was Christ Ever In Christmas? | One Shot | @solomonsporchpodcast @solomonsporchp1 @trackstarz

In the first year of our show, we had an episode where Shawn gave a rant on Christmas which can be heard here. In this one shot episode, Shawn shares why he thinks we should take Christ out of Christmas. Give it a listen and let us know what you think. Visit the website […]
One Shot | Punisher Season 2 Review | @solomonsporchp1 @jasonbordeaux1 @dadisabels

In this one shot episode Jason and Shawn review the 2nd season of the Netflix Original show The Punisher. Visit the website for more content. Thanks to our Patreon supporters Sam Blackwell & Read B. Verses. If you would like to support the show financially you can do so at: Thanks to our […]