Risha Chesterfield | RMG Marketing and Management | @rishaleondra @rmgtweets @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

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One of the most important parts of an organization is the team behind the scenes. In this episode of the Business with Bordeaux Podcast I talk with RMG Co-manager Risha Chesterfield about what that looks like from day to day operations to marketing campaigns for album releases. She also shared some things that make RMG […]
Make Due With What You Have | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

As a Christian, I am a huge fan of applying biblical principles to business. There is a very great principle that many have heard and it is being a good steward of what you are given. Making due with what you have. This applies to our personal lives and our side hustle/business. No matter what […]