Alex Molden | Leadership and Team Building | @alexmolden @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Alex Molden is a 1st round draft pick from the NFL who has taken his experience on multiple teams and learning from multiple leaders and began teaching others how to effectively lead. He teaches how to lead from a large level to an individual level in your own life. You can find out more about […]
Ernest Ricks | Trackstarz Sports and Leadership | @bornsincere7 @jasonbordeaux1

This week I spoke with the founder of Trackstarz Sports, Ernest Ricks. Trackstarz sports is a team that has been built up to about 25 people with a common goal and vision. Ernest and I talked about how to lead this growing team with effectiveness and great leadership. There are a lot of great take […]
Don’t Wait, Live Out Your Calling Now | Business With Bordeaux Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
I believe that everyone here on earth has a calling of some sort. I also believe that some people find it early in life while others spend their whole life searching for it. This week I would like to address those of you who know what you are called to do. I specifically want to […]