Where Da Ladies At?| Throwback Theology| @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

As I was preparing to write my next article the usual thought hit me, “What do I write about next?” I’m talking to my lady one day and she says to me, “Why don’t you write about a female rapper?” I go, “You know what? That’s a good point. I’ll file that away and […]
Desiring God Ministries Releases A New Video – 73-17 | Spoken Word | @desiringgod @amishobaraka @prophiphop @jackiehillperry

Desiring God Ministries drops a new video addressing the plight of abortions during personhood in our country. This video features Sho Baraka, Propaganda Jackie Hill Perry and a musical score by Courtland Urbano. Go to www.desiringgod.org to view the video. Check it out and let us know what you think.
CHH: The Past, The Present And The Future Part 3 | Throwback Theology | @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz
In my last post, I discussed the debate of theological lyrics vs non-theological lyrics. The debate really argued that one method is effective and the other is not. This argument has changed from Christian rapper vs rapper that is Christian debate. I jokingly like to call it CHH (Christian Hip Hop) vs HHC (Hip […]
Lecrae @Lecrae Church Clothes 3 Mixtape Review #TrackstarzUniverse

Lecrae’s “Church Clothes” mixtape series, has gained critical acclaim and criticism from the CHH culture. It was seen as a defining moment in CHH when the release of the first “Church Clothes” dropped on Datpiff.com. Fans and spectators literally caused the site to shut down from all the downloads. With the help of Don Cannon and […]