JUSTCALLMEDT Releases “Let Go My Hand Freestyle” | @justcallme_dt @trackstarz
Broward County artist JUSTCALLMEDT continues to not only rep his county and state, but he takes well known instrumentals and flips them for his own purposes in a way that’s inspiring. The CHH world suffered s loss with the passing of Eric “Professor Biz” Vaughan Brown a little while back and many are still grieving. […]
The Power of the Feature – CHH Journey | Blog| @coachdpolite @trackstarz
As you know, in my introduction to CHH, a friend gave me a burnt version of Da’ T.R.U.T.H.’s “The Faith.” I had to listen to it all the way through before I could bob my head, but once it was “approved,” it became and still is one of my favorite albums. I never was a […]