Aaron Dews Returns With His New EP ‘Dick Grayson’ | @aaronddews @trackstarz

Aaron Dews Returns With His New EP ‘Dick Grayson’ | @aaronddews @trackstarz

Aaron Dews returns as his alter ego, Dick Grayson, with a fun and bouncy EP, “Dick Grayson”. This is the unofficial soundscape for the DC character and his new found identity and independence. This project features the innovative production of AMKG, Okhiphop, and Aaron Dews, himself. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5FRZCyTvKiPcfqiIotX5m9 Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dick-grayson-ep/1434244080 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Aaron_Dews_Dick_Grayson?id=Bpb54zo5wub6mvkf75ewk3np2be