Loud Crazy Love Documentary Review | @brianheadwelch @jenneawelch @solomonsporchp1 @trackstarz

Jason shares his thoughts on the Loud Crazy Love Documentary in this One Shot Review on the Solomon’s Porch Podcast. Here is the written review to check out as well: https://www.solomonsporchpodcast.com/kingdomtalk/2019/7/1/loud-krazy-love-documentary-review-solomonsporchp1-brianheadwelch
Faith Head Interview | One Shot | @solomonsporchpodcast @solomonsporchp1 @faithheadband @trackstarz

Faith Head has just released their new EP ‘Genesys” and Jason talked with the band’s bassist Patrick Shipley about it. You can find out more about the band at faithhead.com.
KB And Casting Crowns Team Up On “Start Right Here(HGA Version)” | @kb_hga @castingcrownsofficial @trackstarz

The legendary group, Casting Crowns, dropped a new single “Start Right Here(HGA version)” featuring Mr. K to the Second Letter, KB. This song is an anthem and it’s calling for the Church to be the change she wants to see in the world. Casting Crowns minces no words with lines like, “Comfy in the lobby/Worshipping […]