Kevin Byers | Iron Made Gym | @iron_made_gym @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

For the past 7 months I have been really trying to get in shape by working out at my local gym. While working out I have had many questions about what it would take to start a gym. This week I talk with Kevin Byers who has done just that. Kevin shared his journey with […]
Cast Your Nets On The Other Side | Bible & Business | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

I have been wanting to start a series covering some business practices and tips that we can find from Jesus and the Bible. There is so much content that can be applied to business that we Christians should have knowledge about. Some of these articles will be limited to just Christians, but others can really […]
The Business With Bordeaux Journey Pt. 2 | Podcast | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

In this weeks show I share my top moments from the last 9 interviews. I have had some great guests on the show the past 3 months and I have personally learned so much and hope you do as well.