Alex Molden | Leadership and Team Building | @alexmolden @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Alex Molden is a 1st round draft pick from the NFL who has taken his experience on multiple teams and learning from multiple leaders and began teaching others how to effectively lead. He teaches how to lead from a large level to an individual level in your own life. You can find out more about […]
Jared London | Dynamic Concrete Cutting LLC | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

On this episode of the Business with Bordeaux Podcast I interviewed a local business owner who I serve with at my church, Jared London. He is co-owner and operator of Dynamic Concrete Cutting LLC. The company has been in business for 5 years and is continually growing. Jared shares a lot of wisdom when it […]
Frederick Towles | The Financial Octagon | @mrtowles @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Frederick Towles has written many books on finance and growing spiritually. This episode we discuss his newest book “The Financial Octagon”. We discuss investing, small business and artist business advice, and biblical wealth. If you want to become more financially literate, Fred Towles is the guy to talk to. Check out our conversation here. You […]
Risha Chesterfield | Marketing and Branding Consulting | @rishaleondra @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Risha returns to the show to talk about her transition from RMG to going out on her own and starting her own business. She is now helping artists with branding and marketing and we dive into that in this episode. Here is the first interview with Risha Chesterfield:…eaux1-trackstarz/ Here is how you can personally connect with […]