Frederick Towles | The Financial Octagon | @mrtowles @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Frederick Towles has written many books on finance and growing spiritually. This episode we discuss his newest book “The Financial Octagon”. We discuss investing, small business and artist business advice, and biblical wealth. If you want to become more financially literate, Fred Towles is the guy to talk to. Check out our conversation here. You […]
Business With Bordeaux Podcast | Fred Towles | @ttginc @mrtowles @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

This week we interviewed Fred Towles from The Towles Group Inc. Fred is an accountant, business finance expert, and consultant. He shares a lot of advice for upcoming entrepreneurs as well as a 5 step process to focus on before getting started on a business venture. Don’t miss his great advice on this episode.