2018 in Review & 2019 Goal Setting

I have had the opportunity to interview a ton of great people this past year. With those great conversations came great information and I did a quick rundown in this episode of some of those golden nuggets shared. I also wanted to talk about this upcoming year and the goals I have for the show […]
Business With Bordeaux Journey Pt. 5 | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

A lot has happened since the last Journey update and I have interviewed a bunch of great people. Scott Free, Chad Horton, Kelly Cole, Derek Hoiem, and more. On this episode I shared some of the things I learned from these interviews and some things I’ve experienced outside of the show. You can visit my […]
Ernest Ricks | Trackstarz Sports and Leadership | @bornsincere7 @jasonbordeaux1

This week I spoke with the founder of Trackstarz Sports, Ernest Ricks. Trackstarz sports is a team that has been built up to about 25 people with a common goal and vision. Ernest and I talked about how to lead this growing team with effectiveness and great leadership. There are a lot of great take […]
Is Soundcloud Really Making A Comeback? | Business With Bordeaux | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Last month there was a lot of news around the possibility of Soundcloud closing their doors. They were reported to loose tens of millions of dollars and at one point had only 50 days of capital to run on. They laid off 40% of their workforce and closed their San Francisco and London offices in […]
The Business Burnout | Business With Bordeaux Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Don’t you love when you start something new and everyday you can’t wait to get started. I think that happens often. We tell everyone around us what we are doing now, we share it, promote it, and love it! After a while that newness starts to wear off. This is common in any area of […]
Work Smart Show And Ultimate Drum University | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @worksmartshow @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
This week I get a chance to speak with two gentleman from New Zealand about starting business and entrepreneurship. Stephan Speller is the founder of the Work Smart Show which focusing on business, entrepreneurship, and maximizing your work experience. Jared Green is growing his online drum instructor business. Stephan and Jared share their journeys and […]