Frederick Towles | The Financial Octagon | @mrtowles @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Frederick Towles has written many books on finance and growing spiritually. This episode we discuss his newest book “The Financial Octagon”. We discuss investing, small business and artist business advice, and biblical wealth. If you want to become more financially literate, Fred Towles is the guy to talk to. Check out our conversation here. You […]
Risha Chesterfield | Marketing and Branding Consulting | @rishaleondra @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Risha returns to the show to talk about her transition from RMG to going out on her own and starting her own business. She is now helping artists with branding and marketing and we dive into that in this episode. Here is the first interview with Risha Chesterfield:…eaux1-trackstarz/ Here is how you can personally connect with […]
Rare of Breed Full-Time Music | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @rareofbreed @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Rob Hardin aka Rare of Breed has become a full-time artist just recently. He shares some of his biggest transitions between working full-time for a company then going to work full-time for himself. He gets very transparent and shares his ups and downs during the transition. Come join him on his journey during this interview. […]
DJ Jeremaya | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @iamjeremaya @trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1

This week I interviewed everybody’s favorite DJ from Trackstarz Radio show, DJ Jeremaya. He is the President of Trackstarz Music and has been DJ-ing for a long time now. We talked about branding, music business, and even discussed the process of the release of Sean David Grant’s album Wonder Years. Don’t miss this interview with […]
Awareness, Following, Sales ‘Steps to Success’| Business With Bordeaux| Audio Blog| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
A lot of what we have covered in these blog postings have been geared toward start up business owners. This will be no different. What happens when you try to make a sale to those who don’t know you? How do you know if your are at a point where people will buy your product […]
Cheddar Bob Syndrome: Have You Been Diagnosed?| @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914
Social media is both a blessing and a curse. Social media and the internet in general have made the world a much smaller place and it’s easier to connect with people in different states, countries, even from distances as far as other sides of the planet! The downside is now everyone with an opinion has […]
Branding |Business With Bordeaux| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Everyone reading this has probably heard of one of the biggest brands in the world right now, Apple. They have taken the market by storm. You probably see their products several times a day out in public. People are walking around with iPhones, college students are buying MacBooks, and their product is all over tv. […]