The Business With Bordeaux Journey Pt. 1 | @jasonbordeaux1
This week I am solo on the show and I share the beginnings of my personal journey with Business With Bordeaux. From the initial concept to doing interviews and gaining my first Patrons for the show. I hope these couple important lessons I learned along the way help you.
Thanks to the Patrons for the show:
Aaron Simpkins-
WordPress Stan-
Marcus Carey | VThreat | @marcusjcarey @jasonbordeaux1
This week we talk with Marcus Carey who went from high level security in the military to forming his own internet security business worth millions. He shares how God coordinated so many things throughout his journey and why he decided to go into business himself. This show is filled with great advice and suggestions from a wise Christian business owner.
You can find him on twitter at @marcusjcarey and on his website
Don’t forget to head over to to see all the blog postings and podcast show notes.
Thanks to our patrons:
Aaron Simpkins-
WordPress Stan-
Fred Towles | The Towles Group inc | @ttginc @mrtowles @jasonbordeaux1
This week we interviewed Fred Towles from The Towles Group Inc. Fred is an accountant, business finance expert, and consultant. He shares a lot of advice for upcoming entrepreneurs as well as a 5 step process to focus on before getting started on a business venture. Don’t miss his great advice on this episode.
Thanks to the patrons for the show:
Aaron Simpkins:
Word Press Stan:
Gavin Evans | Evan & Hill Home Improvement LLC | @gavtrak7 @jasonbordeaux1
This week Gavin Evans shares his story of going from a management job at Nationwide Insurance to starting his own contracting company and working with Lowes Home Improvement. Growing too fast, hiring and firing family, and having to turn down jobs due to racism are just a few struggles he shares. Please tune in and listen to Gavin’s great testimony of how he started and is growing his company.
Thanks to our patrons:
Aaron Simpkins-
Word Press Stan-
Ernest Ricks| Trackstarz| @bornsincere7 @trackstarz @trackstarzmusic @jasonbordeaux1
This weeks interview is with Ernest Ricks aka Ric Sincere. He has been involved with education at the college level and shares some important ways to maximize the college experience to help your future career goals and aspirations.
Thanks to our Patrons:
Aaron Simpkins-
WordPress Stan-
Derrick Myers| Trackstarz Studio| @derrick_myersjr @trackstarz @trackstarzstudio @jasonbordeaux1
This week we interview Derrick Myers Jr, who is a part of the Trackstarz Studio team. We talk about some of the important things to keep in mind when shooting videos or photos for your business. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
You can visit Derrick Myers Jr’s business page at:
Thanks to the Patrons of the show:
Aaron Simpkins-
WordPress Stan-
For all of my blog post and podcasts you can visit
Sean David Grant| Trackstarz| @seandavidgrant @trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1
Sean Grant joins us this week to discuss the creation of Jaidot LLC and cofounding Trackstarz Radio Show. He shares the great lessons as he is trying to run a ministry and why changes had to be made to keep Trackstarz moving forward. I hope you enjoy.
Thanks to our patrons for the show:
Aaron Simpkins:
Stanley Straughter:
Ryan Righteous| Trackstrarz| @ryanrighteous @trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1
This week we interview Ryan Righteous from the Trackstarz Radio show. He talks about his journey in the beginning of Trackstarz and what it was like taking a year off his regular 9-5 to do it full time. We also talked about making connections and making use of college years. Enjoy
Find out more about Trackstarz at
To check out all the content for Business with Bordeaux visit
Thanks to our patrons:
Aaron Simpkins at
Wordpress Stan at
Also check out my other podcast at
Lavoisier Cornerstone| Grow The Heck Up| @growtheheckup @voiscornerstone @jasonbordeaux1
This week we sit down with the founder of Grow The Heck Up, Lavoisier Cornerstone. He talks about going from doing Christian Rap to getting into education as another method of helping the upcoming generation. This is an interview you don’t want to miss.
You can find Lavoisier at
For all blog post and podcast you can visit
Thanks to our patreon supporter:
Aaron Simpkins at
Stanley Straughter |WordPress Stan| @wordpressstan @prafitjosiah @jasonbordeaux1
This week we interview Stanley Straughter who is a self-taught wordpress expert. He is also music artist and website designer. We discuss some of the differences in website design, being an entrepreneur, and some of the struggles of working for oneself.
For all of my blog and podcasts you can visit:
Thanks to our patron:
Aaron Simpkins and