Eric Boston | Side Hustles and Balancing Life | @ericboston3 @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Eric Boston has a full-time job, is a graduate student, and still manages to balance family life and side hustles. He has been serving with Trackstarz, Nectar Distribution, and with that started up the FiveTwenty Collective. He shares the heart behind that start up and how he manages to do all that he does. You […]
2018 in Review & 2019 Goal Setting
I have had the opportunity to interview a ton of great people this past year. With those great conversations came great information and I did a quick rundown in this episode of some of those golden nuggets shared. I also wanted to talk about this upcoming year and the goals I have for the show […]
Poetics | Production: The Key To Good Music | @prodbypoetics @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Poetics has produced for many known artists. He took his time learning the craft and making connections over the past few years. He is also a Nectar Elite artist who has released many great singles this year. Check out the interview and find out the story behind your favorite producer in CHH. You can visit […]
CW Allen | Full-Time Independent Artist | @thecwallen @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Many artist are searching for ways to go into their music career full-time. CW Allen shares his story of how he has managed to maintain a full-time career in his music and the different ways he is able to continue on this journey. Get ready to take notes, because he shares some great resources and […]
Business with Bordeaux Journey Pt. 5 | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
I have been blessed to have interviewed many great business owners, businessmen, and businesswomen. In this episode of the Business with Bordeaux Podcast I share some of the highlights of the previous interviews I have conducted. I am also excited to announce my next project that I am working on which will hopefully be completed […]
Kelly Cole | Online Business Building | @mrkellycole @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
On this episode of the Business with Bordeaux Podcast, Kelly Cole shars how he created his first website that he sold and explains how you can do the same. We get into practical advice and steps to creating your online business. He also share some first time news for those interested in the music industry. […]
Steadman Robinson | Artist Management | @RLegacyLLC @repdakingmag @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Steadman Robinson has had a lost of experience with artist management under his company, Robinson Legacy LLC. I had the chance to get some pointers when starting your management career from strategy, pricing, and even how to know if someone is manageable. This is great for anyone who is interested in the music business or […]
Lennix Gibson | Serial Entrepreneur | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Lennix Gibson has had the heart of an entrepreneur from a young age. He now runs his own company, No Pressure, Pressure Washing, that has been continually growing for the past 4 years. He also has goals to start up other businesses to help fund the gospel. Be sure to hear some of the steps […]
Justin Sarachik | Rapzilla, Music Journalism, & Artist Etiquette | @justinsarachik @rapzilla @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
Justin Sarachik is the host of the Survival of the Artist Podcast and works as an artist PR & Consultant. Justin has also worked for multiple media outlets and has interviewed many well known artists in his career. He currently works for Rapzilla as a journalist and also handles music submissions. We share some of […]
Risha Chesterfield | RMG Marketing and Management | @rishaleondra @rmgtweets @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
One of the most important parts of an organization is the team behind the scenes. In this episode of the Business with Bordeaux Podcast I talk with RMG Co-manager Risha Chesterfield about what that looks like from day to day operations to marketing campaigns for album releases. She also shared some things that make RMG […]