Less than an hour ago, I walked out of a movie (when it was over :)) and I feel like I am floating. My heart is so full and my love for God is on a different level. The movie didn’t make this change/shift, God did. He spoke to my heart, my mind and my soul.
In theaters right now is a magnificent movie called, The Shack. I won’t give away the plot, I will just say it is life changing: mind shifting, revealing, clarity giving, confirming and most of all freeing. For a long time, maybe even my whole life I have struggled with truly knowing how much God loves me. In the pain, suffering, and trails we endure in this life; God truly has always been there. He doesn’t cause bad things to happen, but He is there through it all. This movie answered questions the world has, including myself. These answers are found in the Bible, but this movie is used to bring it to life even more, in a Mighty Way.
I walked away tonight with a deeper understanding of how Much God Loves me, how Much He Loves His creation, and How He can’t stand religion. God wants to have a friendship with us. I have known this but for so much of my life it has been head knowledge or me being stubborn to let God in. Pain, control, fear has not let Him in. Tonight, I have let the last bit of it go! I want to have a without a doubt friendship with God, deeper than it has been. A true daily relationship on a different level, the only level! He is our Friend and our Father. If you have hurts, pain, had broken relationships, have things you are struggling with in your life and have asked God why or you still ask Him. God is right there to take your hand. To Heal you, to Love you because He has never stopped. I encourage you tonight to speak to your Friend and to go see this movie as soon as you can. You will be freed!
God Loves you So Very Much. He is Fond of you!