Trackstarz Tracklisting For September | @trackstarz

Trackstarz Tracklisting For September | @trackstarz

Each month, the Trackstarz writing team gets together and discusses the top tracks from the previous month. Here are the top 5 we thought you should check out for the month of September. 1. Ruslan- Raw Sugar 2. Alex Faith (featuring Adan Bean)- Real ones 3. Bizzle- King 4. J. Kwest- Finish this [soundcloud url=”″ […]

Trackstarz Tracklisting for July and August | @Trackstarz

Trackstarz Tracklisting for July and August | @Trackstarz

This go around, the Trackstarz Writing Team decided to combine the last two months (July and August) and give you the writing staff’s top picks from the month. Check them out and let us know if you agree or if we missed any! July Jus Thoughtz– Success [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Sean C. […]

Trackstarz Tracklisting for June 2016| @trackstarz

Each month, the writing staff of Trackstarz get together and decide what were the 5 hottest/content deep tracks for the month. The below were the tracks selected for the month of June in no particular order. This was a hard one this month! We tried to narrow it down as best we could and get everyone’s […]

Trackstarz Tracklisting for May 2016| @Trackstarz #Trackstarztracklisting

Each month, the writing staff of Trackstarz get together and decide what were the hottest tracks for the month. The below were the tracks selected for the month of May. Let us know who we missed and if you agree or not. 1. Ruslan- Audio Killer 2.Mike Sarge- Green Tea 3. Social Club- Wave […]

Trackstarz Tracklisting for April 2016 | @trackstarz

Trackstarz Tracklisting for April 2016 | @trackstarz

At the end of each month, the writing staff has decided to get together to pick five of the best songs that came out the previous month. Here is our “track list” for April. Let us know which ones you agree with or ones that were your favorite for last month! 1. NF (featuring Marty)- […]