Sports Hoard – Your Week In Sports (@thisisraysurnet @trackstarz)

 Welcome to Sports Hoard!! Here’s your weekly sports rundown…

The Golden State Warriors have reached their 50th win faster than any other team in NBA history this week against the Atlanta Hawks. In response to the win, Curry replied that he and his team have to keep plugging and stay hungry.  No wonder these guys are winning!  The game was suspenseful with both teams trading the lead back and forth.  However, the Warriors came through in the 4th quarter and took the win 102-92.

Washington Redskins president publicly announced Robert Griffin III will not return to the Washington Redskins next year.  This has come as no surprise, and Griffin will have his choice of teams to choose from to further his career.

NFL Combine has started this week and NFL Nation reporters have listed the needs of all 32 teams at Check our their listings, see if you agree, and see how this fairs these teams in the  season.

Kyrie Irving set the record straight about his absence against OKC.  It had been reported he was out with flu-like symptoms; Irving corrected the record by blaming the Hilton for a case of bed bugs.  Now, if you have never dealt with bed bugs before you may think he is overreacting.  As a survivor of bed bugs, let me assure you, it is that serious! Irving had bites all over his body including the top of his head.  The fact that these tiny vampire ninjas strike while their victim is sleeping, can lead to psychological issues for the victim.  You start to imagine they are biting you all the time, and no place is safe.  The Hilton has responded with proper procedure and the presence of the blood-letting, flesh-devouring insect assassins was confirmed.  (I could go on about this issue, but we’ll keep it at sports, feel free to tweet if you want more of that story!)

Thanks for joining the Hoard this week! If there are any areas of interest involving sports you would like to see covered, let me know! I’m on Twitter @thisisraysurnet

Until next week!