How a Woman’s Need for Security Can Turn into Control Creating Disunity in Marriage | @trackstarz @intercession

How a Woman’s Need for Security Can Turn into Control Creating Disunity in Marriage

I recently watched the Barbie movie. I thought it was so well put together as it revealed a fear that many women have. This fear creates tension between men and women as men wrestle with their own sense of accomplishment and manhood.

Okay, we all know the Lord commands his blessing in unity. Satan seeks to divide men and women because instead of a blessing—chaos will be the natural result expressing itself as disunity. Sometimes as women, we allow ourselves to give place to the devil due to our fears. This is while not realizing that we are creating disunity and unnecessary tension in what we say we want. A healthy marriage.

How was this fear shown in the Barbie Movie?

This fear was made explicit in the Barbie movie when Ken struggled with his image as a man. He’d lived in a Barbie world—where women ruled. When attending the real world—he saw that men ruled and men were respected. Click here to read full article.