Celebration of Life | R.I.P. To Rapper, Singer and Brother in Christ tylyerhateslife

Trackstarz and the Trackstarz Universe would like to express our deepest condolences to the family of tylerhateslife, Rapzilla, and all of his friends and family.   Below is the a small except from his eulogy post written by Rapzilla’s Justin Sarachik. Please keep Tyler and his family and friends in your prayers.  You can view Tyler’s full eulogy HERE

Tyler Smith, more known by his artist name tylerhateslife lost his life Tuesday at 5 a.m. while riding his motorcycle. He collided with a deer and was thrown off the bike and succumbed to his injuries on the scene. Tyler was 28 years old, had three sons, five siblings, and a new fiance, Savannah. (news report)

In addition to being a father, he was an army veteran where he served as chaplain and paratrooper. Tyler also led worship every morning for Abel Electric and at another church.

I can’t believe I just wrote those paragraphs. I’ve written over 10,000 articles, and this might be the hardest one.

Despite the name “HatesLife,” Tyler did in fact love life. He lived to serve others and point people to Jesus. It’s all he did and talked about.

The name comes from John 12:25.

“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.”

Knowing Tyler and talking to him, was like trying to catch energy with your bare hands. That’s why you can classify his music and artistry as lightning in a bottle.

Tyler wasn’t quite a rapper, wasn’t just a singer, wasn’t necessarily just a songwriter – he was everything all at once. He was genre-less. He didn’t particularly care if you liked what he was doing, he knew, that whatever he was working on would reach the person it was supposed to.

During the final weeks of Tyler’s life, he was out on the street filming videos while ministering to strangers and playing his music. He frequently dove into subjects that resonated with people of faith and outside it. That’s how he garnered over half a million social media followers and half a million monthly listeners.

His biggest track, “mental health.” is closing in on 9 million plays on Spotify alone.

Listen to more of the great music that Tyler left us to cherish in his memory