6 Steps to Aid Healing Through Grief @intercession4ag @trackstarz

We all deal with things in life that leave us wounded whether it is grief due to the loss of a loved one, dealing with the ups and downs of addiction in our families, or any experience that simply hurts. The great thing is just like God allows hardship; he also allows common practices that lead to healing. Some common practices that lead to healing and wholeness are choice, trigger awareness, forgiveness, support from others, and consistency in seeking the Lord.

The Power of Choice in Healing

Healing starts with a choice that we want to experience something different after sitting in the grief of whatever has wounded us. We have to make a conscious choice to do the things necessary for healing.

There must also be a choice to move forward in life expecting for better. As hard as it may feel to let go of the past and move forward expecting something more—it is a must that will be worth it. What is it that is seeking to have you trapped in the same place of believing you cannot move on any further?

Remember as sons and daughters of God we can cast our cares on God because he cares for us. Even though it’s hard, we do not have to carry the hard stuff on our own. We can decide to place our hands in God’s hands trusting him to empower us to move forward in life.

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