Positioning Yourself Vs. Pursuing: What’s the Difference?|@intercession4ag @trackstarz

Lessons learned in extended singleness help us to become more settled in resting in ourselves, our worth, and our overall value as women. One of the nicest lessons to learn is that when a mature man sees your value; he will do whatever is necessary to win you over.

This is a lesson often shared but too rarely experienced among single women of God desiring marriage. We trust God, pop in and out of networks, travel, join small groups, visit various churches, try online dating—so many different things to be found by a man who values us. After years of this and coming up short, we scratch our heads asking why have we not yet experienced this for ourselves.

If we aren’t careful, we’ll start to believe we aren’t worthy. I want to encourage readers to see that we are worthy and this wisdom is true whether we’ve experienced it for ourselves or not. At the right time, we will experience this. However, we have to maintain our confidence, worth, and value despite, keeping on walking in a way where we are willing to position ourselves. 

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