DaeShawn Forrest Releases Music Video For His Latest Single “TRANSPARENCY” | @daeshawnforrest @trackstarz

After releasing his fiery new single, “TRANSPARENCY”, DaeShawn Forrest follows up by co-directing and releasing the official music video. Throughout the music video the artist puts his transparency on display by quickly taking the viewers through moments of his life where he experienced hardships and learned tough, yet valuable, life lessons. “TRANSPARENCY”, produced by DaeShawn […]
Shane Kidd Encourages His Listeners To Run At Their Own Pace In “Speed of Life” | @Shanekidd86 @trackstarz

Life is a marathon your pacing matters and endurance sometimes may mean slowing down. Let go of the idea that you have to be constantly grinding in order to be successful. Rest and reflection aren’t our enemies but gives us our energy. Accompanied by the jazzy production of Jonathan Baker and the soulful vocals of […]
SRE Self-Reflects During The Pandemic With “Working On Me” | @sreonly @trackstarz

“Working On Me” is a track that was inspired by self-reflection during the pandemic. I gave too much time to others while I neglected my needs and my peace of mind. I was always a beck-and-call and showed up for others who wouldn’t put in the same energy for me. This lead me to a […]
Rep “Be The Christ” Single Review | @repm516 @kennyfresh1025 @refresherpoint @trackstarz

At the end of April, East Coast based emcee Rep released a new single titled “Be The Christ.” For this song, he tagged in Bumps Inf and SweetTee. In the fight for one’s life we need God to be who He says He is. His son Jesus is the Christ or “anointed one” and that’s […]