One thing we gained from the coming of Jesus is peace. We were enemies of God. Despite our adverse relationship with Him He came in the form of a man to bring peace between us and God. Sin put us at a disadvantage and the grace of God through Christ more than put us over the hump.
Now we are colaborers together with God. We are destroying the works of the devil and building the kingdom of God. It’s not anything physical that we’re tearing down or building up. It’s not a physical structure made by man’s hands. God has given us peace down on the inside. Now we are to share what God has done on the inside of us with others.
We were in turmoil, because we were at war with God. We surrendered our weapons to Christ and allowed Him to rule in our hearts. Now our inner turmoil has turned into peace. Not that our external circumstances have changed, but the root of the issues of our lives have changed.
Now we are peacemakers. Not just that we don’t want to war, argue, fuss and fight with people. We want to create environments that are conducive to joining others to build things that further the plan of God. Not that we won’t have disagreements of some sort. We’ll be able to resolve those issues. We have peace, we share peace and create environments of peace. We are peacemakers.
That’s my lead into this week’s Throwback Theology Song of the week. Since we’re covering the advent season and these next few articles link together I chose music from a dope Christmas beat EP that dropped in 2016 by one of the hottest producers in CHH right now called “The Meaning EP.” So I introduce to some and represent to others OnBeatMusic aka OB. The featured song is called “By The Fireplace.” Enjoy the music! Also we’ve had our last live show of Trackstarz for the year. We’ll be back live on YouTube on January 9th at 12pm EST with more dope content. Until next time…
Peace and blessings,
OnBeatMusic – “By The Fireplace”