Begin Saving Early
You can do whatever you want as it relates to traveling and goals as long as you plan for it. If you want to go on a trip, you’ll need to begin planning early to make sure you can afford all of the costs of the trip. Setting up automatic savings that come out of your paycheck before taxes can be an easy way to do that. The money can be set up to go into a separate savings account. By the time, you get ready to book your trip, you would already have the money in the bank to pay for it.
This is something I began doing when I received my last raise in August of 2019. I allocated that raise amount of 3% of my paycheck each month to go into a separate bank account just for vacations. When I got ready to travel, I already had the funds on hand that would cover the trip. I was not able to cover the trip because I am rich, but because I simply planned for it. I make a modest income working for a non-profit, but because I am specific with my income; I can do more with it.
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