4 Traits of a Confident Single Woman | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

She’s unapologetically herself
She is unafraid of what others think of her. Thus, she isn’t willing to dim who she is to appease others. This honesty in embracing herself keeps her from living a lie with a guy just to be with a guy. Instead, she honors the covenant that she has with God and herself to honor Christ and to honor who Christ has shaped her to be.

She is patient when it comes to love because she’s resolved that she is worth it
She realizes that she isn’t your average Jane. So, she’ll need to be patient to wait for a brother who isn’t your average Joe. She finds great things to do while waiting that further prepare her for that special time of marriage she desires for her future. She carries herself as a woman of wisdom avoiding situations that will cause her to veer off the beaten path God has given her to walk. She carefully avoids situationships, hook-ups, and anything that would leave her stuck in something less than what God has for her.

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