New Podcast:! Beyond the DMs, Ep. 01: View From the Inside

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Beyond the DMs with Eric N. Boston is a new podcast from FiveTwenty Collective that takes conversations related to the CHH community and brings them from the DMs to the forefront.

On this debut episode, Eric is joined by Artificial Christian member Warren Christian to ask the question, “What is the current state of CHH?”

Depending on who you ask you will get that Christian Hip Hop is dead all the way to it is more alive than ever, and everything in between. How does the subgenre look from the point of view of a CHH artist? What are the strengths, weaknesses, and areas of opportunity that exist? It is a discussion that challenges those who love CHH to step up to ensure its future.

Eric N. Boston: @EricBoston3 | Warren Christian: @itswarrenchris1 | | @FiveTwentyCHH

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