It’s a new day for women who know who they are. Recently, I attended a conference that featured Pastor R.C. Blakes. He encourages women nationally and internationally with his teachings of Queenology. Queenology is an intentional way that women carry themselves. These women as he teaches are self-aware, self-mastered, self-sufficient, self-projected, and self-actualized. Women who carry themselves by the standard of being queens find themselves doing so through the foundation of their relationship with God.
He begins the talk sharing how many women have a broken consciousness where they aren’t aware of who they are. Women were made to have dominion also in the beginning, but most do not know it. He shared how the world hates a woman who knows who she is―getting out of the bed in the morning with confidence. It was refreshing to hear a man build women up to embrace the full abundant life that Christ died for us to have; instead of simply waiting for a man to come into our lives.
Click here to read full article and listen to the full talk.