Krum And Theory Hazit Are Back At It With “Muddy Squirrel Tape EP” | @iamkrum @th3oryhazit @evidence @trackstarz

Fresh off the success of the ‘Here’s Mud In Your Eye’ album, Krum and Theory Hazit are back to track mud all over your floor with the ‘Muddy Squirrel Tape’ EP. This time around we get a 5 song snapshot of the dirty duo rhyming over the most dusty instrumentals from Evidence’s latest offering, “Squirrel […]
Derek Minor Starts “12 Days of Beatsmas” Contest | @thederekminor @rmgtweets @trackstarz
After being greeted by, “Ho Ho Ho What up Tho” from Derek Minor he hits the people with a whammy. He’s giving away a one song record deal with RMG Amplify!!! The RMG frontman said that this year he’s seen a lot of rappers rap over some trash beats and he was sick of it. […]