What is going on everyone!! Man, this week, God put something in my heart to share. Simply put, the truth of what God says about us should override the temporary emotions and feelings we have that contradict. What that means is, is that when we don’t “feel” worthy of God’s love, His love steps in and says, “Nothing can separate us from the love of God” (Romans 8:38-39). I love this verse so much because when I feel down, or just needing a reminder, I can go to this passage and it perfectly explains the depth to which God’s love for us goes. It is crazy knowing that God loves YOU. He doesn’t just love the perfected version, or the less unbearable version of you, He loves you the way you are this very moment.
Feelings are so temporary and fickle it’s crazy. For example, one minute I want to eat Italian food, and then the next I want Chipotle. Food is a constant battle for me, obviously hahaha. But in all seriousness, the enemy comes to destroy our confidence in God and His love for us. He tries to drive a wedge because when we fully grasp the way God thinks about us, then we become a huge threat to the kingdom of darkness. When we get that we are thoroughly loved by the King of Kings, then we will tell other people and when they get it, then this confidence becomes a title wave that wipes out any seeds of doubt the enemy tries to plant in us.
The best way to understand God’s heart? Reading His words and spending quality time with Him. The same way you know that your friends are there for you, take that into how God sees you, and how He wants you to understand Him. I love that God says we don’t have to be in fear, that we can cast our anxieties on Him, and that we can be sure that His plans for us are plans to give us a hope and a future. When those promises become so integrated into our minds and thought life, it has no choice but to come out into our daily lives. That looks like encouraging others out of the blue, or maybe being able to speak these promises over situations that come to try to derail you from your purpose.
Either way, our feelings even have to bow to the power of Jesus. There is no way we can allow our feelings of shame and guilt and regret have more power than God’s love. That is where discipline comes into play. When you meditate on the truth, it will become part of you to where the truth overrides feelings. Don’t let your feelings dictate the truth!!
Much Love,
Ryan W.