What’s going on everyone!! So for this week, I want to call us all up as believers, to keep us all accountable for how we are living and the light that we are showing. To be very honest, this article may hurt some feelings, and I am totally okay with that. This is for me included, let me make that very clear.
Dear Christians,
Don’t judge other people because they sin differently than you. Just because you don’t struggle with a certain aspect of life, does not mean that you can look down on someone. We are all on the same playing field and needing the same grace. Nobody is perfect. Show grace and be merciful.
Dear Christians,
Stop being so ashamed to pray for each other or to talk about Jesus in public. This world is needing to hear the Good News about Jesus, so why are we withholding good news from people? It does not mean to lead a healing service with every conversation, but rather to be relatable and to meet people where they are and also call them higher.
Dear Christians,
Just because you serve in the dark DOES NOT MEAN you deserve the spotlight. I totally understand we all want the big platforms and to be able to lead people to Christ, but our deepest satisfaction is that we aren’t invited into the story of Christ, and we have the honor and privilege to serve others. We don’t deserve anything, but we have been graciously given life with our Savior. Don’t think too highly of yourself. Understand that it is the breath of God that flows through us.
The heart behind these letters is a lot of frustration with Christians, including myself. It is hard living in a world where being a person of faith is scrutinized. We need to exhude the love of God, and to be light in a dark world. I’m honestly tired of seeing people proclaim Jesus on Sundays, but Monday through Saturday acting like they don’t even know the Lord. I really desire to challenge us all to really live like the people of God. No more compromise!!
Much Love,
Ryan W.