“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?”
Jeremiah 17:9 NLT
We commonly hear listen to you heart. We hear sayings like, “Trust your gut” or “think long think wrong.” That’s one of my favorites. There is inside of an instinct to do things. That’s what happens when we play sports. You don’t have to remember the rule book or think of what steps you have to take to accomplish something. You know the game and you know what to do in the moment. It is a knee jerk reaction. So don’t take this as a blog to tell you to never trust your instincts. It’s actually the opposite.
God said to Jeremiah that the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked. Think about that. It’s deceitful. That means it lies. Your own heart lies to you. It tells you things that aren’t true and aren’t real. Again, not someone else. Your very own heart that lives in YOU. Then on top of that it’s not just wicked, but desperately wicked. Meaning with its last breath it seeks wickedness. I used to always say I love music so much that if I was down to my last $20 and had to choose between a dope cd and food I would choose the cd. I’m desperately in love with music. The heart of man is the same way. With all that it has and the last of what it has it wants wickedness.
Now that I’ve made you feel bad about yourself let me continue. LoL. This describes the heart of man apart from God. That goes back to the point I made about instinct and sports. You have to learn the game to develop the proper instincts. We have to get God’s word in our heart to develop the proper instincts for a life that is godly. David wrote,
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalms 119:11 NLT http://bible.com/116/psa.119.11.nlt
In last week’s blog I talked about that it’s the inner working of the Holy Spirit that changes us and gets us past ourselves. It is the Holy Spirit that changes the heart of man and ultimately changes the person. So don’t listen to your carnal fleshly mind. Allow the Spirit of God in your heart to lead and guide you. It is by His Spirit and according to His word that he changes our hard Stoney hearts to a heart of flesh.
Lastly, I want to do something a little different in introducing the song and address the ladies. How y’all doin!?! LoL. I don’t want to overlook the topic of this particular song for this article. The song is dealing with being deceived by the heart in terms of dealing with a relationship. I understand this is important. Especially, dealing with the sexual harassment cases and the #metoo movement. Ladies, you are valuable. Not mention you’re beautiful. Do we as men like to look at you all? Yes. That by no means gives us the right to objectify and disrespect you.
There are some men who are out to take advantage of you as a means of building up their own self esteem. That’s child’s play. We are kings and should act with dignity towards you, because you are our queens. So don’t let evil men with crooked hearts devalue you. Allow God’s word by His Holy Spirit to build His strength in you and to put honorable and godly men around you that will affirm who God has made you. Don’t let your carnal mind tell you things that God did not say about you. Allow your relationship with God to be your ultimate affirmation.
Now that leads us to our Throwback Song of the Week. It is really from a duo out of the Tunnel Rats crew – New Breed. One of the illest duos to ever hop on the mic. This is from their debut 2002 release “Stop The Music.” This particular song only features the female of the duo named Elsie. By far, one of the dopest female emceez to ever do it. It is entitled “Don’t Listen.” Tune in to the Trackstarz radio show this week to hear DJ Jeremaya spin this for the Throwback Song of the Day. Until next time…
Peace and blessings,