Aaron Robinsons Shares His Experience While Coming “From The Ground Up” | @ar_unitedfront @trackstarz

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Attending a church service on a Wednesday evening in the month of April, 2014, Aaron was randomly called upon by his pastor, Apostle Durham, to be spoken to through a prophetic word from God. Aaron was told that his music would reach many young people of this generation to the saving of their souls just by hearing the lyrics spoken through his songs. Ironically though, before hearing that prophetic word Aaron had given up on rap music being that he felt no one, especially the youth, wanted to hear about someone rapping about their faith in God. Nonetheless, Aaron received the prophecy by faith and meditated upon it everyday consulting the Lord in prayer for confirmation to see if this really was the route that He wanted Aaron to go.

It wasn’t until late 2015 that Aaron began to catch a fire and a passion to write lyrics, whereas in times past before this moment Aaron wrote lyrics out of carnality while under the influence of prominent secular rap artists. Transitioning into the year of 2016 brought about clarity for the vision that God had for Aaron‘s life. Aaron began to pray and fast even the more to a point where the opinions and rejection of others no longer bothered him. In a process of time the title for his debut musical album was given to which is “From the Ground Up.” The meaning of this project is two-fold. The first interpretation is that man-kind was created and crafted by the hands of God from the ground, i.e., dust. Secondly, the other meaning of the title of this album is a phrase that is coined after Aaron Robinson‘s life. For which Aaron came from an environment, Muskegon, Michigan, in which is labeled as a known impoverished area. However, the moment that Aaron began to glorify Jesus Christ is when he began to spring up from the ground thus no longer being oppressed by the system of this world but free because of the faith given to Jesus Christ and God’s Word.
Recording: The studio that this album was recorded, mixed, and mastered at is Soul Asylum Studios located in Atlanta, Georgia. From the year 2016 to 2018, all sixteen of the tracks on this album were recorded at Soul Asylum Studios. To further note, Aaron Robinson is responsible and credited as the producer for every track on the album.
Record Label/Publisher: The United Front Line of Jesus Christ Music Group