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Up & Coming Artist @jaybroader Gets Ready to Drop His First Project “New Era” Next Friday May 4 With Features From Heavy Hitters @daveyasaph and @toreydshaun
| @trackstarz

Take A Look Back #TBT | #jurnybig @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

‘I am the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ Acts 7:32 NKJV http://bible.com/114/act.7.32.nkjv As Christians, we are constantly taught about looking forward or moving forward. We quote Paul in Philippians about pressing toward the mark. Not at all is that a bad […]
Dream Again | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

”If you shoot for the moon, you will land on the stars”. Growing up, I heard that a lot. I was a dreamer. I dreamed as a small child of playing in the NBA. I wanted to be like Michael Jordan, or Allen Iverson. I even watched old games of Spudd Webb, gaining a massive […]
Building Your Platform | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

After recording a podcast about building a platform I decided to write a blog post about it with some steps to get started. Why build a platform at all? When you build a platform, you are creating an opportunity to expose others to an audience. When I first got started with my blog, Trackstarz had […]