P4CM BIBLE STUDY | Women of the Bible – Joanna (03.21.18)

Joanna is not in the Bible a whole lot, but we can still learn a whole lot from her! Join us at 4PM PST to dig into what we can learn from her! Today will be a lot of food for thought/things to reflect on! #WomenOfTheBible #P4CMcelebratesWomen #WomensHistoryMonth #WomenMakingHistory #WHM2018
Join us at 4PM PST for a deeper study on Eve! GUYS THERE’S STUFF FOR YOU TOO!! #p4cmbiblestudy

#WomenOfTheBible #P4CMcelebratesWomen #WomensHistoryMonth #WomenMakingHistory


JOIN US EVERY wednesday IN
March @ 4:00 p.m. (PST)

mar 07 – eve
mar 14 – Delilah
mar 21 – Joanna
mar 28 – mary of bethany