Emmanuel as Clutch the artist brings to you his life’s journey with God(father). Tune in on Mondays through Soundcloud.
Life with God has purpose, and purpose gives fulfillment. We live, we learn, and we trust God. Emmanuel AKA Clutch is on a journey, as we all are, to a place God is leading him too. His journey as of now has great responsibility being that he is an husband, father, and son to a widow, with three younger siblings. All though Clutch has lost his father( in March 2017) he continues life knowing he still has one, his heavenly father. Obstacles that he has faced are all through the trust in God to see him through. During the reality of his journey with God he does music, a gift that he uses in part of his relationship with God, in which some people call worship. Clutch is an great example of how to seek God in everything you do, and a prodigy of what faith really means.Take a listen , and watch the growth, and remember life is a journey. Life with God has purpose, and purpose gives fulfillment. We live, we learn, and we trust God.
Tune in on on Mondays to soundclound (https://soundcloud.com/ebeats256 ) or follow Clutch through instagram @clutch2214, twitter @clutch2214 (link to soundcloud in bio). Feel free to send feedback to listed profiles.