Where is your secret place? Where is somewhere you can get away from the pressures of the world, and reconnect with God? When was the last time you spent real, uninterrupted time with your Maker? All of these questions have been challenging me this week. I just want to offer encouragement to everyone, that it gives us strength when we can get away from the normality and troubles of life, to gain some momentum by going into our secret place with Jesus.
I’ve been greatly impacted by this series at church called Reconnect. We’ve been talking about how we can re-sync with Christ, and eliminating the biggest distractions keeping us from doing that. I have noticed, that when I get alone with the Lord, and really dig in and unpack the Word, I find myself living more on purpose, and becoming more aware of how much I need Jesus for every move in my life.
It’s so easy to get distracted by social media, and spending time with people, and even doing good things. Sometimes we need to break and to go to our prayer closet to help us remember where our strength comes up. All throughout the gospels, especially Mark, we see that Jesus would heal people and preach and then return to a place of solitude to pray and get rejuvenated again. I love this because it shows the human side of Jesus that can relate to us.
It is tough to find time because we are so busy with everything that we have going on. I totally understand that. My challenge to us, is that we take at least 10 minutes to SOAP, to read the Scripture; to Observe what we have read; to find how to Apply to our daily lives; and to Pray that God would reveal Himself through the Scriptures, and that we may live in observance of the love of Christ in our lives. Watch what happens when we integrate this into our daily lives.
Much love,
Ryan W.