When it comes to starting a new business, many may wonder what is the best-selling strategy? How do I reach the biggest amount of people to show what I am doing? When people find my product or service, how do I get them to buy? How can I build a relationship with my clients? All of these questions are legitimate and important concerns for new business owners. The answer may seem simple and basic, but that’s because the process is to start off with. We often come into the market with a goal of reaching hundreds, thousands, or millions of people, when in reality, we need to build with people one on one.
If we look at the ways some business owners are connecting with people via Facebook live, Periscope, or Instagram live, we can see that they are trying to connect with as many people as possible. They connect with people by answering questions they may have using that platform. Even that can be too broad at times. The more expensive a product or service is, the more time you need to spend with potential customers. That is why so many realtors or student affair offices try to keep connection with people to try to keep their interest in coming back and finalizing their decision to buy or enroll. They make it a point to get to know your family situation and want to try to help you make adjustments around that in order for you to make your choice. They couldn’t do that without a one on one connection.
College scouts will introduce themselves to players and their families to try and build a relationship in order to gain the advantage in signing the player to their schools team. They try to help them find a major and make the enrollment process as easy as possible. Building this trust is not something that can necessarily be done through letters or emails. It takes a continual one on one connection to build that level of trust. Some of the most successful independent music artists make their living by creating a one on one connection with their fans. Then the fans will buy their music and merchandise as a way of supporting a person they care about and not just a fan of. This is another reason artists do so many Q&As. It’s about getting to know their fanbase and letting their fanbase get to know them.
As you are trying to build your brand you need to reach out to people one on one. This includes online and in person. Talk to others about your product or service on a one on one level and answer their questions. Even if your product isn’t a really an expensive product, you should still be willing to take the time to discuss it with those who may purchase it. If you are detailing with vehicles, talk about the experience you have, lessons you learned, or the reasons why you are getting into the business. As you build this relationship with people, they will eventually start to be more willing to hire you are buy your product because you are now a person they trust and not just another salesperson.
I would like to extend a challenge to you and ask that you reach out to one person online or in person about your business. Do not try to make a sale, but build a relationship. If your product is awesome, they will ask you about buying it. Your job this week is to make sure people are aware and informed. Don’t just be a salesman.
Thanks for reading this weeks Business with Bordeaux blog. You can see all of my articles and listen to my podcast by visiting businesswithbordeaux.com.
Thanks and God Bless!