Brook of Provision -Life of Elijah| Blog| @coachdpolite @trackstarz

1 Kings 17:1-10

I have always loved reading about the life of Elijah. Elijah was a true prophet of GOD—that GOD approved of so much HE took Elijah up to heaven by a whirlwind. We always consider the prophets to be great men, and I am not saying they aren’t. However, what we see from Elijah is someone who heard the word of the LORD and obeyed it. He consistently obeyed the word of the LORD.

In 1 Kings 17, Elijah proclaims there will be a drought in the land. This angered the king of Israel, so the LORD told Elijah to go and hide by a brook. The LORD told Elijah to drink from the brook and HE commanded ravens to feed Elijah with bread and meat in the morning and in the evening. Elijah obeyed the word of the LORD and was provided for by the brook.

Eventually, the brook dried up. That makes sense because there was a drought in the land. There was no rain, so, of course, the brook dried up. But, if GOD could command the ravens to feed Elijah, couldn’t GOD have caused the brook to be sustained with water regardless of the natural situation? Couldn’t the GOD of miracles do another miracle to get the brook flowing with water in the middle of the drought?

To be honest, the next place that we see Elijah go, GOD actually performs this type of miracle. The widow was ready to prepare the last meal for her and her son with her last bit of flour and oil. However, GOD sustained that flour and oil “for many days.” The amount they had for a last meal, yet it lasted for many more meals. We know HE could have done this with the brook, so why did HE allow the brook to dry up?

I believe, sometimes GOD will allow things in your life to dry up in order to move you on to somewhere else. This could play out in many different scenarios. It could be a career, relationship, physical possessions, or ministry. Sometimes the very place that GOD has sent you, to provide for you, is only meant for a little while. 

Maybe HE allows it to dry up so that you will be all ears to HIS next set of instructions. Maybe HE has something else for you to do and therefore HE will allow the brook that once provided for you, to provide for you no longer. The ministry that you once were involved in, you will be involved in no longer. The job that provided for you and your family, will provide for you no longer. The friendship that was once fruitful, is fruitful no longer. And if GOD doesn’t allow it to dry up, maybe you never leave. If you never leave, maybe someone or some work that needs you doesn’t get you.

Even so, I don’t think it is up to us to try to always figure out the “maybes.” The major point is that Elijah went to the brook because GOD told him to and Elijah left the brook because GOD told him to. Is there a dry brook that GOD is telling you to leave? If so, why are you still there?

Grace and peace.