Why Sports Are Important | Sports | @kommamusic @trackstarz

Growing up I couldn’t wait to get out of lunch so that I could hit the playground and play with my friends. It was a time to get away from everything happening in the classroom, and a time to just feel free. I imagine that most of us took this privilege for granted and never truly realized the impact it has on younger generations. After school, I would go home and find a snack. Soon after, I would get my uniform on, and head to baseball practice. I never looked at it from the perspective of work, but rather a chance to play with peers with one common goal, to succeed. Reflecting back to my days as a young child, it has come to my attention just how important athletics were to my well being. I feel that this applies to many aspects in life, and if we were all to look back and really think, we could remember how many of our classmates and neighbors lives were impacted by athletics.

We live in a day and age where respect, and a team-oriented mindset is lacking. Instead of signing up for optimist sports, children are being signed up for Xbox Live accounts. Instead of riding bikes down the street to the neighborhood park, children are sitting on the couch indulging in cartoons for hours. Now let me be clear, I grew up playing my Gameboy and tuning in to Rocket Power whenever I got the chance. However, it seems today that we often see people indulge themselves into television drama and the newest game console. Now obviously not everybody is meant to play professional sports or climb mountains. I can assure you that I am not. One thing I can say though is that sports, or some sort of commitment, should be placed in a child’s life early. Sports require dedication to a schedule, which then leads to a routine. When something is instilled in you at young age, it tends to follow you your whole life. That is the point I’m making. Being involved in sports develops discipline, which comes from the instruction of the coach. Teammates hold you accountable, and push you to better yourself in every single aspect. Surfing and sports alike bring you a rush of excitement, while also delivering a sense of calm. This may vary depending on the person, but I believe that coaching and the accountability given from teammates are two of the most single important things sports has to offer. Those two things tie in to other aspects of life, such as respect and work ethic. More often than not, children will enter a sport with no father figure in their life. While discipline and respect can be taught by their mothers and other relatives, being taken under the wings of a coach who cares is a life changing event for many. The coach will push you to the limit but still care for you at the end of practice. Your teammates will encourage you and lift you up, but won’t be afraid to knock you down a few steps in the name of accountability. In a world that seems like it’s in desperate need of hope, I believe raising a nation under constructive physical activity will bring a generation of strong individuals willing to work together for the betterment of the whole group.

We as adults need to plug ourselves in to the community and reach out to the local organizations that host these athletics. The more support these groups get, the more attention they may receive. If that was to happen, they would possibly become more affordable, bringing in many families who often are left out. If a child you know doesn’t enjoy organized sports, open them up to karate, or something that will embed values and discipline. We can’t force kids to play sports of any kind. We should not be afraid to nudge them in a direction they may like though, as they could gain intangibles this world is in desperate need of. In all reality, it doesn’t have to be a major sport. Running, climbing, and others, can still implement values in the youth that will carry this world forward.

Sports are not the answer to ever single problem. However, sports could be the very thing that instills the qualities they need to get through the problems.