Personality Test | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

A very interesting exercise that you can do with your spouse is to take a personality test together. By taking it, you find out which of the four personalities you could be ( sanguine is optimistic and social, choleric is short-tempered or irritable, melancholic is analytical and quiet and phlegmatic is relaxed and peaceful). It can be a great eye opener and can create conversations that may need to be discussed.

Here are 3 reasons why you should do a personality test with your spouse:

  1. It can help you understand your spouse’s personality and how they think/interact in situations.
  2. It can give you closure/peace about certain situations that you can’t agree on.
  3. It helps you understand your children’s personality and how to interact with them better. 

By getting to know your spouse’s personality it can help you understand them on a deeper level. If the results upset you, possibly for being completely opposite, don’t get worried. Usually, the test results show that opposites do attract. By taking the test, you can learn about your spouse’s strengths and weaknesses within their personality.  Use this information to bond closer and also to help you form better game plans with raising your children. Spread The Soup!