Corporate Social Responsibility |Bordeaux’s Business Blog| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

A misconception about businesses is that they are only about making money to gain profit in order to become wealthy and that’s it. One of the things that keeps a business grinding is their purpose for helping others. Companies who give themselves people to work toward helping, usually have a little more drive. One example is the shoe company Toms. Many people are aware they donate shoes to those without any all over the world. Their business is not only putting profits in the shareholders pockets, but they are also used to do some good for those who are not always able to help themselves. I personally was able to create some side income and told my wife I would use that to help getting the nursery ready for our child that we are expecting. This gives me a little more drive to be successful. Along with the social drive, there is the need to keep the health of our physical environment in good shape too. Reduce the amount of waste and pollutants to ensure a better future for future generations to come.

This is done by for-profit and non-profit companies. This not only helps a companies drive for success, but it is also brings in customers who may appreciate the companies generosity. For the longest time companies are looked at like the bad guys for different reasons. This is a way to give the owner and customer a similar goal. If for ever specific amount of dollars earned there is a portion being used to help a social cause, then it works out for everybody. This is not a requirement to run a business; however, those who are working for more than themselves are more likely to push through the hard situations to win.

Jason Bordeaux

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