Skills and Trade |Bordeaux’s Business Blog| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

This week is going to be as  much about you as your kids. I love to think of life in simple processes and build form there. Back in the day, people would trade goods and services directly. People would trade produce, livestock, weapons, clothing material, and much more. People were usually raised to be able to do something that others will need from you enough to compensate you for it. Now days it looks a little different, but people still have others skills that people need. Carpentry, mechanics, farming, landscaping, among many other trades. I never grew up learning these things, but I wish I had. These skills are often desired in our local communities. It is very important to find something you can learn to do that can be marketable anywhere. It is also wise to have something to fall back on.

We live in a day in age where it is much easier to learn about anything because of our advancement in technology and internet. Find something and study up on it. Try to find something you always wanted to learn how to do and take small simple steps to learn. Then you can later teach that trade to your children. By doing this, you are giving them a backup plan just in case college doesn’t work out. Many people graduate college with a degree that they are not able to find a job in. Our nation works on supply and demand. If people do not desire what you have to offer, then it will be harder to find a job. If you have a trade or skill that others are looking to hire, then it puts you in a better spot. I am not saying learn a trade and that’s it. We are all called to do different things and have different passions. We should strive to achieve those goals in life. I also think we should also be able to find a way to make a living while living out those ideas. Even the Creator of the universe was a carpenter before His purpose of saving the world came into fruition.

So take a small task and learn about it. Ask others with experience around you for help and maybe they will help teach you. We are never too old to learn and grow in our abilities.