KB’s New Music Video|Drowning|@KB_HGA @Trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1)

Check out KB’s new music video for his song “Drowning” off his album “Tomorrow We Live.” Jason Bordeaux You can now join the Trackstarz Universe for exclusive content and great bargains. Join now by clicking HERE to receive your FREE Trackstarz t-shirt!
Why Beyoncé’s Lemonade was on Point| @Intercession4aG @beyonce @trackstarz

I know I am a bit late, but I finally got around to viewing the Lemonade video. Besides the cursing, and inclusion of same sex couples at the end, I felt that it described very well the journey of many women. One thing about Beyoncé, she has always associated her music with the woman’s struggle […]
New Joey Jewish track|Brixton | @joeyjewish @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

Shortly after the succes of Joey Jewish’s release “Beautiful Solitude,” the AZ based artist is following up with some more heat with this soulful song “Brixton.” Also he seems to be gearing up to release a new EP titled Blk Svnd in July. Listen to the music below and get familiar! https://soundcloud.com/joeyjewish/joey-jewish-brixton
Do We Want More Kids|Beleaf in Fatherhood|@beleafmel @trackstarz

Check out episode #8 from the return of Beleaf in Fatherhood. New episodes every Monday and Thursday. Subscribe to Beleaf in Fatherhood on YouTube.