So, last week I was asked a question on a radio show interview of whether I masturbate or not. The host looked at me very intently slightly surprised by my answer. My answer was simply not anymore. I went on to share that it had been several years since I had been delivered from that. In that short bit of my answer, I dismantled the lie that the enemy loves to hold over our heads as we try to come to Christ, which is the lie that says we are not good enough to come to God because of the sin that we struggle with.
The pretense that I was booked for the show in addition to my book, was that I am a 33 year old virgin. Immediately, in people’s mind the thought tends to arise that to be a Christian and a virgin means perfection, but the opposite is true. One of the major lies that I love to dismantle is the lie of condemnation that says living in victory over sexual sin is only for certain people. The devil is a liar! Living in victory over sexual sin is for everyone who wants it.