Sean C. Johnson drops new Track “Angels” |@SeanCJohnson @trackstarz

Sean C. Johnson drops new Track “Angels” |@SeanCJohnson @trackstarz

Last weekend Sean C. Johnson dropped a new song “Angels” on us. This song (I love his titles) isn’t necessarily about angels though, more so how nothing can separate us from God. This is part three of Johnson’s “Race The Sun” series, where Sean will drop a song and or visual every two months for […]

Let The Past Be In The Past| #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

Let The Past Be In The Past| #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

In many marriages, mistakes are going to happen. Many times they could be small mistakes, like a spouse not helping with chores (cooking, cleaning, kids, etc) for the house or an engagement event (date night, birthday, etc). Other mistakes can be huge, like arguments that get aggressive (verbally or physically) or even adultery. If we continue […]