You know what one of the best things about God is? Many love the fact that God will never leave them nor forsake them, that He sent Jesus to die for the sins of the world, as well as many other things. For me, the best thing about God is that He never goes back on His promises. Many may find that hard to believe because we all have expectations of what God will do for us, as well as have had multiple “prophecies” that just didn’t pan out. That could be because the time hasn’t come for those promises to manifest or those were promises of man and not God. The promises that I speak of are the things like peace, love, comfort, actual promises found throughout the Bible. These are the things that many people are literally killing themselves to experience or acquire. The promise that I have recently been clinging to is that He will be found by those who diligently seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13). Seeking the True God and not the Americanized or Prosperity god takes some real effort, but it is effort that will come to much fruit in due season. In the Old Testament, (Proverbs I believe) it states that it is our honor and privilege to have the ability to seek Him. The importance of seeking and finding God is to know Him and that involves some pressing in (Hosea 6:3). Knowing God and experiencing Him is the key to fighting sin, growing as a Christian, and most importantly being a true Christian. As I cling to the promise that I can find the infinitely wonderful God of the universe, I pray that you also cling to His promises with the utmost assurance that they will come to fruition.