Stand Out From The Crowd |Bordeaux’s Business Blog| (@jasonbordeaux @trackstarz)

When trying to start a business, it is important to find out how you can stand out from the competition. Some would think cost and customer service are the most important elements when running a business. These two elements are very important and cannot be ignored; however, being different is what normally sticks out in customers’ minds. Let’s look at some rock bands for a minute to illustrate what I am referring to (I do not endorse these bands that are being used… they are simply examples). Slipknot is a metal band who is known for their wild masks. Other bands also started taking this route as well. When someone asks about a band, they typically find things that stand out from the other bands to help make them identifiable. People do remember songs and lyrics, but it is much easier to identify bands by their unique qualities.

As you are coming up with ways to stand out, do not let being different scare you. Think outside the box and never think of any idea as too extreme. Chick-Fil-A closes all their restaurants on Sundays to allow for family worship time. This is something that stands out from other restaurants because other restaurants want to be open on Sundays to feed the church crowds. How much more business would Chick-Fil-A get on Sundays if they were open? Probably much more than any other day of the week.  They have this schedule in place even though it could reduce the amount of income, in order to serve their employees by giving them the chance to attend church and spend time with family.

As you can see, sometimes standing out can be to serve the employees, customers, or sometimes both. Keep your imagination open and your heart open for the Holy Spirit to work in your business. Now go and STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD.




Jason Bordeaux

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